Event Schedule

TBD – July

Prospecting and Sluicing campout weekend

This is something new we are trying this year. We will head out and prospect for gold. We will look for river access and then start prospecting. Some members are familiar with the area and will guide the group to their known spots to prospect. With luck we will find a spot quickly and setup to go for gold! This event is open to members only, and an Alberta Recreational Placer Mining License is required for anyone planning to attend.

Oct 18

Gold Dust Dinner

This is a “Show us what you got” event. Members bring their gold, gems stones, anything they have collected or worked on over the summer. There are prizes for categories such as pictures, gold displays, rock displays, jewellery, and metal detector findings.

Jun 2-8

Spring Break-Out and Competition

Gold panning competitions for beginner and professional panners, claim staking, metal detecting, novelty events, and a great pot luck supper.

Mink Lake RV and Campground

Aug 29 – Sep 1

Corn Roast and Competitions

This outing allows members to show off their sluice boxes and other inventions they have created to find that elusive gold coloured metal. Competition activities include: gold panning competitions for beginner and professional panners, claim staking, metal detecting, novelty events

Mar 20-23

Edmonton Boat and Sportsmen’s Show

Yukon Dan will be at the Edmonton Boat and Sportsmen’s Show performing demonstrations. Come and learn from a championship panner and be sure to ask about how he brings the history of the gold rush to life in classrooms across BC.

Jul 1 – Tentative

Spruce Grove Canada Day Gold Panning demonstrations

Come see us at the Canada Day Celebrations in Spruce Grove. Members of the club will be performing demonstrations.

Sep 20

Stony Plain Harvest Festival Gold Panning demonstrations

Come see us at the Stony Plain Harvest Festival in Stony Plain, Alberta. Members of the club will be performing demonstrations.

Feb 28, 2026

Alberta Gold Prospectors AGM

The Club reviews the previous years business, elects the executive and directors, discusses any new business and firms up the activities for the current year.